Ahmadinejad Chastises ‘Uncivilized Zionists’ & Derides Capitalism in U.N General Assembly Address

Despite his sometimes inflammatory rhetoric, Ahmadinejad (just this morning, he was calling for a new world order and speaking out against the U.S.), the Iranian president opened his speech by thanking “the almighty God” for the opportunity to speak and by calling for the world to “work together for building a better life for [the] entire human community.”

As is generally the case, the fiery leader took the time to praise Iran for its “glory and beauty,” while also heralding the country’s culture, wisdom, morality — and its multitude of scientists, philosophers and masters of literature. This, of course, was only a snippet of the accolades he showered upon his homeland.

Ahmadinejad then moved on to discuss the current global schema, presenting its central tenets through his worldview. While he is typically very open during these speeches about his views on the U.S. and Israel, he seemed to hold back from naming either of the nations too fervently. Still, it was clear which countries he was speaking about at various points throughout the address.

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